Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Builders have finished...

On Monday December 13th 2010 our builders completed their last day on site - almost 4 months to the day that they started!

This process has been no where near as traumatic as I feared, in fact we have nothing to complain about. We were never without a kitchen or bathroom and I even had a makeshift laundry for the entire build.

Our builders have been honest and open, turned up on time and completed the job to a very exacting standard. I can't recommend them highly enough!

All that is left is the painting, fitting of walk in robe and office nook shelving and landscaping. I'm tossing up whether or not to have the floor in the hall and new master bedroom sanded and repolished. We are also going to install crimsafe on the new windows as soon as possible. Now I've listed all that out I realise that there is still a fair bit to we will be doing it ourselves I'm sure it will take the better part of 2011 to truly finish!

But all good - pics to come soon.